Powershell for total beginners lesson 12 Loops

Let’s do some loop’s, while, for, do until.

The ForEach-Object we already discussed.

The While loop is pretty simple one:

While(<whats in here is true>)


repeat this code here

Simple example

$i = 0
while($i -lt 5)
  #print the value of $i
  #add 1 to $i equal to $i = $i + 1

while loop


Another more productive example:

#Read a file into $content variable
$content = Get-Content "C:\Temp\myTextFile.txt"
#Let's check what type or variable we are getting
$i = 0

#while $i is less then $content.Length which is the number of objects in our array
while($i -lt $content.Length)
  #Print string object $i from $content array which represents a line from C:\Temp\myTextFile.txt

while loop2


The for loop, in the for loop we have the initialization, condition and repeat inside the brackets like this:



Repeat the code here


This code will do the same as our first while example:

for($i=0;$i -lt 5;$i++)

for loop


The Do Until first does then checks:



Repeat the code here



For example:

$i = 0
Until($i -eq 5)

do until


This is a nice one:

0..4 | %{


We already discussed the:

foreach($item in $items)
  do something with $item

And the:

$items | ForEach-Object{
  Do something with $_ (which is the current object)

The same as:

$items | %{
  Do something with $_ (which is the current object)


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